Tom Nichols, author and academic wrote:
“Having equal rights does not mean having equal talents, equal abilities, or equal knowledge. It assuredly does not mean that “everyone’s opinion about anything is as good as anyone else’s.” And yet, this is now enshrined as the credo of a fair number of people despite being obvious nonsense.
What’s going on here? I fear we are witnessing the “death of expertise”: a Google-fueled, Wikipedia-based, blog-sodden collapse of any division between professionals and laymen, students and teachers, knowers and wonderers – in other words, between those of any achievement in an area and those with none at all. By this, I do not mean the death of actual expertise, the knowledge of specific things that sets some people apart from others in various areas. There will always be doctors, lawyers, engineers, and other specialists in various fields. Rather, what I fear has died is any acknowledgement of expertise as anything that should alter our thoughts or change the way we live.”
I think his comments are just as important to Christian thinking and processing. Just because we are “all one in Jesus” does not mean we all the same in Jesus. Our different gifts, callings and effects are from one Spirit (1 Corinthians 12) but our ‘manifestations are different for the common good.’ We just have to do what we do. And thank the Lord, I am not like you and you are not like me, but we are one in Jesus.
“Therefore I send you prophets and wise men and scribes, some of whom you will kill and crucify, and some you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town.” Jesus