Frederick Buechner writes, “For a child, time as the great circus parade of past, present, and future, cause and effect, has scarcely started yet and means little because for a child all time is by and large now time and apparently endless. What child, while summer is happening, bothers to think much that summer will end? What child, when snow is on the ground, stops to remember that not long ago the ground was snowless? It is by content rather than its duration that a child knows time, by its quality rather than its quantity… happy and sad times.”
Learning to live in the now is a difficult but needed habit. Always living in the not yet or what was is very stressful and unrealistic. Dealing with time, as a child is not only the gospel idea, it is wisdom always. As Buechner put it, “it is by content rather than duration that a child knows time, by its quality rather than its quantity… happy and sad times.” Living in now time is very healthy.
“Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus