Benjamin Williams, minister wrote,
“Our response to Jesus reveals the enemy within. Evil – whether in the human heart or the prevailing culture or even the depths of hell – cannot and will not bend the knee to the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 12:3). If you find the whisper of your heart evading the mandate of Christ on your life, that inclination is not from God.
Consider, for example, the simple question that Jesus asks the disciples in Mark 8:27, “Who do people say that I am?” The disciples repeat the familiar gossip about Jesus that was running through the masses. “John the Baptist; and others say, Elijah; and others, one of the prophets” (8:28). None of these are denigrating titles. The crowds are not disparaging Christ. But neither are they willing to consider him a king from heaven. Jesus could be a good teacher, maybe even a great prophet, but not a lord and certainly not The Lord. The evil within us is willing to be impressed by Jesus so long as it does not have to submit to him.”
Much of the Jewish culture during this time is not so unlike our historical culture since then…especially religious culture… ‘We are impressed with Jesus as long as we do not have to submit to him.’
“But who do you say I am?” Jesus