I was in a situation the other day and it ticked me off and I got really upset … it ruffled my feathers. I will admit to ruffling much faster than some other folks. But then again, who doesn’t get their feathers ruffled occasionally? You know… the way they treated you at the restaurant, the jerk driving crazy on the freeway, the bank ATM not working right, the Internet not operating at the speed of light, the bill from the vet for the dog’s vaccinations (what?), the bill from the mechanic for the car vaccinations (what?), the bill from the plumber for the hot water heater vaccinations (what?)… all could be feather ruffling experiences. To get upset and annoyed is part of life.
I believe that Chips and Salsa should be free to anyone, anywhere when they are having a Ruffled Feathers Day. It should be a church ministry with a Pastor of Chips and Salsa, a civic duty, a state and federally sponsored program: Free Chips and Salsa (a reasonable measured amount of course, like no more than one large bag of chips and one quart of salsa per person). Crime would go down, violence, anger, anxiety and abuse would be quieted. People would be kinder and more mindful of self and others.
I’m headed over to the other side of the Pond for Happy Hour with Cuban Coffee and some Chips and Salsa and a Maple Bar to celebrate Ruffled Feathers Day. Everything will be all right.
No, really, that’s what happened.
“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.” Jesus