Rufus Jones (1863-1948) Quaker historian and theologian wrote:
“We can see plainly enough where the drive of selfishness came from, where the passionate fears and angers and hates that mar our world got into the system. What is not so clear and plain is how we came to be possessed of a driving hunger for goodness, how we ever got a bent for self-sacrifice, how we derived our disposition for love, how we discovered that it is more blessed to give than receive. The mystery after all is the mystery of goodness. The gradual growth of a Kingdom of God, in which men live by love and brotherhood, in which they give without expecting returns, in which they decrease that others may increase, and in which their joy is fulfilled in the spreading of joy… that is, after all, the mystery.”
I say the mystery of goodness, and the desire for the life of the Kingdom of God living in us, is by precedent being baptized in the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11). Without such power goodness may be just good works from a strong will. That is valuable but not the same as the mystery of the Kingdom of God.
“Seek first God’s kingdom and what God wants. Then all your other needs will be met as well.” Jesus