If we read or watch the news very carefully at all, we might become deniers or deceived or doubters. None of the news is full of much faith, hope and confidence. That leaves us with a couple of options: Head in the sand: which is a classic expression of denial. Out of sight-out of mind. Or sand in the head: A mind half full of sifting sand of opinion and prejudice and the other half empty. Both seem a little cloudy and unclear.
“Better to hear the quiet words of a wise person
than the shouts of a foolish king.
Better to have wisdom than weapons of war,
but one sinner can destroy much that is good.”
(Ecclesiastics 9:17-18)
I was reading this account in Ecclesiastics and thought I had just read the morning headlines. Solomon says: Better to hear quiet words…better to have wisdom. I also heard this word recently: We often get dark and disabled opinions from high-level leaders in government, church, culture and education. This calls us to weigh opinions. It is also reason to listen carefully to the Lord.
“Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed.” (Romans 4:18 NIV)
Jesus brought Good News, not Bad News.
“The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the LORD’s favor has come.” Jesus