The first Silverware was a pointed stick for jabbing stuff and eating it. After using only a person’s fingers (thumb and forefinger) for eating meals of any kind there was a progression of various sticks (even up to chop sticks) to pick up food (especially hot food) and these were better than the bunches of wadded up leaves or bark they used earlier. Stone knifes followed this as the choice for cutting food and lifting it to the mouth. It was the most used piece of non-silver Silverware for centuries. A great breakthrough came while some pre-historic teenagers were at Camp making S’mores on the end of a forked willow branch and someone saw the possibility of using the same branch as an implement for eating other foods. Only a few paintings of S’more roasting have ever been discovered in the cave paintings.
Forked Roasting Sticks and sharp Flint Stones and various kinds of Bones and Seashells and hollowed out wood slowly formed into what would later be called a fork, knife and spoon. It was much, much later before there was a salad fork and a soupspoon and butter knife. It was just the basics in the beginning. The others were not needed because salad, soup and butter were not invented yet. Iced Tea and Dessert spoons came centuries later as well. Some of Artie and Alice Agor’s (the original inventors of Silverware) relatives would discover eating utensils that Artie and Alice never dreamed of. The sharp pointed stick and the sharp flint stone knife would eventually give way to a tri-forked stick and various sized knifes. Silverware was progressing up the life chain.
No, really, this is what happened.
“And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” Jesus