If we believe that all injustice is solved with reparation and the reparation being money… then justification is built on money and justice is a fat checkbook…
Many times this leaves out integrity, character and honesty as ways to become better, to build stronger and process peacefully. Receiving money for injustice only solves a little bit of the problem. Often when the money is gone…so is the perceived justice and the cycle begins again. Without certain levels of responsibility from all those involved in petitionary injustice there is usually only a monetary motive. We simply cannot buy righteousness and justice. They are formed in the heart and not at the bank.
The long history of the blindfolded ‘Lady Justice’ holding a set of scales and a sword have some strong representation. The blindfold is to be impartial; the scales are to be fair and equal and the sword as a consequence of unfairness and injustice… judgment. Lady Justice is not a bad place to start rethinking reparation.
“For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Jesus