Much has been written and discussed concerning the despair and depression currently in our society. It seems especially prevalent among our youth.
“Between 2009 and 2021, the share of American high school students who said they feel “persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” jumped from 26% to a record 44%, per a new CDC study. For adolescents ages 10 to 19, emergency room visits for self-harm jumped 88% from 2001 to 2019.” (Source: Morning Brew) This is just one such statistic; there are many others like it.
As disciples of Jesus and his Kingdom we are supposed to be able to offer hope to a culture that is this upside down. Trouble is… our culture no longer believes that the church, the gospel, religion, Christianity … whatever you want to call it… has any better answers than they are getting from TV, Facebook, Twitter, poets, priests, preachers, prophets, philosophers…or phonies and fakes. I also doubt that Christian statistics are much different than those mentioned.
I think it will remain this way until the Kingdom of God… the Rule and Reign of a wise and loving Father over all people becomes understood and is transferred reality by the power of the Holy Spirit to all generations and especially to our youth. I’m about as disillusioned about many things in our society as these young people. It is power or…. Poof!
“And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.” Jesus