Leon F. Seltzer, wrote:
“All bitterness starts out as hurt. And your emotional pain may well relate to viewing whoever (or whatever) provoked this hurt as having malicious intent: As committing a grave injustice toward you; as gratuitously wronging you and causing you grief.
Anger and resentment—is what we’re all likely to experience whenever we conclude that another has seriously abused us. Left to fester, that righteous anger eventually becomes the corrosive ulcer that is bitterness.
Seltzer continues, “Stephen Diamond, defines bitterness as “a chronic and pervasive state of smoldering resentment,” and regards it as “one of the most destructive and toxic of human emotions.” If we repeatedly ruminate over how we’ve been victimized, “nursing” wrongs may eventually come to define some essential part of who we are. Take hold of our very personality. We’ll end up becoming victims not so much of anyone else but of ourselves.”
When we become victims of ourselves while thinking we are victims of someone else… we have fallen into a deep, deep pit. The remedy is forgiveness.
“If you forgive anyone’s sins, they are forgiven. If you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” Jesus