In the night recently I kept hearing, “Keep your ear to the ground.” This was interesting because it is often the spiritual realm we try to give our ear to… or put our ear to the sounds of the spirit.
‘Keep your ear to the ground’ is an “expression that originated in the late-1800s. The idiom stems from the literal practice of placing one’s ear to the ground in order to hear far off hoof beats, footsteps, or other indicators of something or someone approaching. It is possible for vibrations to carry through the ground at great distances. For this reason, it is oftentimes possible to hear something coming (with an ear against the ground) before one can see it.” (Dictionary)
The contemporary definition means to stay well informed about something. This expression carries the connotation of being well connected or staying close to a source in order to be very up to date about new developments.
I think keeping our ear to the ground as a Spiritual exercise means to know what is happening on earth as well as in the Spirit or neither one will have much value. We need to hear the far off hoof beats and footsteps of heaven and earth so we know when something is coming.
“For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear. Take care what you listen to.” Jesus