The word I got in the night was: “To have truth about truth, or hope about hope or faith about faith is not necessarily to have any of them.” I don’t assume that we ever have all of truth, hope, love or faith or anything else. They are all process words with process understanding. We usually know more today than yesterday and know what we know we no longer need to know.
It seems to me that what is important in our desire for more truth, hope and faith is to carefully learn to have and hold what we already have as we acquire more. It is just as important to no longer hold on to what we do not need. This is especially true of information that produced the false self instead of the ‘new person’ promised by Jesus. Or, produced something religious and legal instead of free and life-giving knowledge and truth.
“As for that (seed) in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.” Jesus