It is so easy to deceive ourselves into thinking we are doing ‘right things’ because we belong to the ‘right group’ or organization. Even more distressing is to assume because we are ‘Christian’ (or anything else) we are acceptable, proven and distinctly favored.
This thinking appears to be in direct conflict with the teaching of Jesus. He saw nothing special in being ‘children of Abraham’ or anyone else’s children, if a person was not changed in their heart and responding to others from a non-religious and non-performing attitude. When asked by his pragmatic followers, ‘What would that look like?’ The answer was, “If you have two coats share one of them with someone who has none and whoever has food let him do the same.”
This is not something special, some ‘do-gooder,’ benevolent, generous or religious action. It is just normal. It is the right way to live. It is normal Kingdom life.
“Whoever wants to sue you and take your shirt, give him your coat as well.” Jesus