Newsweek Magazine (March 2020) had an article titled ‘Are We Related to This Weird Worm.’
“Researchers have identified an extinct 555 million-year old wormlike creature smaller than a grain of rice as the earliest known ancestor of virtually all living animals. That’s because Ikaria wariootia was bilaterian… meaning both sides of its body were symmetrical…and boasted a gut connecting front and rear openings. Though very simple by today’s standards, Ikaria were “remarkably complex” for their time, experts say, using primitive senses to burrow into the ocean floor for food. What does it matter? The discovery sheds light on the evolutionary process, since bilateral symmetry was a key step along the way.”
And you thought the Genesis account was difficult… well I did too but then I remembered this redheaded kid named Rusty in grammar school who had these same little worms about the size of a grain of rice crawling around in his hair… so I guess… well, whatever.
“See that no one leads you astray.” Jesus