Unless people are prepared differently we should not expect a different ‘Christian culture’ as it is called. I propose, and prefer, the word disciple to the cultural word Christian. Christian can mean numberless numb things and disciple means only one thing: A follower and doer of what Jesus did and still does. People must be prepared in this new way or the kingdom work will continue to lag along with limited success because of limited personnel. It must be those given first to the kingdom rather than some faint idea of personal success.
The way of preparation has to do with a new level of introduction into spiritual things. First, would be to demand integrated thinking and behavior rather than a strict theological ‘performance’ of restricted perception. Without integration only a ‘local church’ (meaning a building in a location with a professional leader) is the only standard of spiritual life, so church life becomes spiritual life. This is really scary Larry stuff. The integrating of art, business, sciences, media, education, theology, earth studies, family studies, social and cultural studies, etc., must be based in strong philosophical balance with Biblical basis and world view of a fully integrated life in God while living on earth. To separate and have single interest and focus leaves people in a non-integrated (church) environment without contact and reality to the rest of society that desperately depends on us to learn and live the kingdom way. This is why there are few ‘conversions’ and growth in most church groups.
We must so fully engage at every level of society that Jesus and His ways are known as the full answer and solution to all of life’s situations. Under the current preparation process, this is, and will be, impossible.
“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples.” Jesus