This is a time when Rest, or Sabbath Rest, needs to be emphasized. It is a time for Rest. It is a time for cessation of motion and action, and a time for peace and quiet.
Rest is a demand being placed on us to return us to a real and intimate experience with Jesus. Since it is increasingly more difficult to find a community where one can always experience the Lord together, it will be imperative that we become quiet and peaceful as a matter of personal responsibility.
This will be a time of seeking some kind of beauty to put back into our daily lives and schedules. The principles of Sabbath (rest and re-create) are very important to a society that is less and less organized, or aware, of such principles. We need to rest in Jesus.
We need permission to take ‘days off’ in our rest, both weekly and yearly. We even need the practice of ‘Sabbath Hour’ during our day’s activities for maintaining peace. The idea of Rest can be anytime, any hour, any day that we find rest and peace. We need vacation days…meaning days for pleasure, rest, quiet, meditation and prayer away from the normal routine. We are not a people that generally seeks rest, but we must become such people.
“The Sabbath was made on account and for the sake of man, not man for the Sabbath; so the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” Jesus