If we are being persuaded to ignore ‘our flesh’ and concentrate on ‘our spirit’ we could become fat and crazy. This is because our human nature has three-parts: body, mind and soul. To develop the soul at the exclusion of the body and mind is to have a fat carcass with a weak mind that is supposed to be spiritual. Our humanity is suffering greatly from such thinking.
First, it causes terribly weak development in any disciple who is seeking maturity. One can only develop so far in any one of the three areas until the other two need the exact development and attention. Otherwise we are not whole, but we are one third or two thirds disciples, but not three thirds.
Second, if we care only for our spiritual development we will approach the rest of mankind with a message of a ‘salvation gospel’ only and care nothing for healing and feeding the broken body and healing and mending the desperate and isolated mind. We can only give what we have. If we view flesh as only the ‘human nature’ we have missed the Incarnation of Jesus.
“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Jesus