The forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden represents rules, order, choices, government and someone who has greater rule and reign than we have. In this perfect garden we were designed to be butt naked. Butt naked is to be completely bare, stripped, unarmed, unclothed, unconcealed, uncovered, undressed, and undisguised. That makes us like everything else in the garden… the animals, trees, water, rocks, grass- everything was naked and as it is. In the Garden of Eden we were shameless and totally transparent. To be naked is to be transparent. In this perfection we were lucent, apparent, clear, evident, unhidden, free, obvious and open. Shame slams the door on naked liberty. Fig leaves and animal skins and every cover up since are to hide the shame of nakedness. With shame comes fear. And with every level of cover up is another layer of protection from transparency. As long as we can hide ourselves we feel secure.
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.” Jesus