Recently I had to have a knee replaced followed by several weeks of physical therapy. About my third trip down to the therapy place I was on a table next to this senior person (a really old guy) and the therapist was carefully manipulating his right leg and asked the guy to raise his left leg. Instead he raised his right leg and so the therapist asked him again to raise his left leg and again the old guy raised his right leg. Next he asked him to raise his other right leg and instantly the left leg went up.
This was a learning experience for me because I did not know about the other right leg strategy. I knew about moving the back leg or your front leg… but not your other right leg. This means that we can move our other right eye, our other left ear, and our other right arm when it is necessary. These are just good things to know and everyone should know them.
“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” Jesus