Not long ago we were parked out on the edge of a parking lot because the lot was almost full. After shopping we rolled our cart out almost to the pickup and the wheels on the Shopping Cart froze up tight and the cart would go no further. I tried to get the thing to roll, move, or turn… nothing. It would not budge. So we unloaded the ‘save the earth’ canvass bags and left the cart stuck in its tracks.
A kind lady who was working a Collection Area for the Salvation Army back in this same far corner of the parking lot watched our whole encounter and came over to explain. She told us the carts had been trained to only go to the perimeter of the parking lot and if they crossed the yellow line the wheels freeze up so they cannot roll and thus cannot be taken from the lot or stolen from the lot.
My first thought was how smart these storeowners were to have someone train their carts not to cross the outside lines of the parking lot. I looked into it and saw this sign posted:
“Our shopping carts will lock if taken beyond the parking lot perimeters. While the distinctive yellow lines mark normal exits, the entire lot perimeter is protected.”
My second thought was: I could be a Cart Trainer.
No, really, this is what happened.
“You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.” Jesus