It is mentioned several times in scripture that Jesus sometimes hung out with a rough crowd. Mentioned are prostitutes, sinners, tax collectors, drunkards, gluttons, etc. […]
It is mentioned several times in scripture that Jesus sometimes hung out with a rough crowd. Mentioned are prostitutes, sinners, tax collectors, drunkards, gluttons, etc. […]
Everyone who belongs to Christ belongs to everyone who belongs to Christ. The apostle Paul called it a body, “just as a body, though one, […]
“The fast should be kept not only by the mouth but also by the eye, ear, feet, hands, and other members of the body.” John […]
“Quantitatively speaking, you don’t find all that much laughter in the Bible, but, qualitatively, there’s nothing quite like it to be found anywhere else. There […]
The ‘fullness of God’ is a term that can seem overwhelming to me. I am keenly aware of the worship and mystery in considering such […]
We need to squarely face our culture. We need to ask where we find wisdom and encouragement to select and balance our time commitments. Realizing […]
“Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.” Thomas […]
People who have ‘met the Lord’ and whatever that might mean to them individually can obviously be very different from one to the next. Sometimes […]