We often hear… and perhaps say… that we would die for our family, our wife/husband or children and so forth. And no question about it…most of us probably would and gladly so. All in all and given the right circumstances this is a pre-calculated and imbedded impulse and reaction that is in most of us.
I remember many years ago in prayer saying to the Lord that I would die for my family, my flock and for him. I instantly heard the Lord say to me, “That’s fine, but will you live for us as well.”
The only way to truly live for others is to die to our self, our ego, our pride, and our agenda… and take on the process of living for others. We will have to die for them along the way… but probably not dead-dead… or dead like Rover-dead all over… but more like a daily dying to ones self. It is a slow death for most of us.
“Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Jesus