Probably the earliest name for Christians and for a community of Christians was Followers of the Way.
The book of the Acts of the Apostles records some of these:
“The Lord’s followers…”disciples of the Lord”…found any belonging to the Way.” (Acts 9:2)
“And I persecuted the followers of the Way.” (Paul, Acts 22:4)
(Paul before Felix) “But I admit that I follow the Way” (Acts 24:14)
“Felix, who was quite familiar with the Way.” (Acts 24:22)
The term Christian is first used in Acts 11:26, “the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.”
I think it is significant that 21 times Jesus simply said to others; “Follow me.” Or this is the way; follow me. There is ‘no way’ of knowing ‘the way’ without following ‘the way.’ Back then or now. Nothing has changed.
Jesus made a way when there was no way and made us The Way… now we are The Way for The Way to the Way.
“Come follow me.” Jesus