The great need for Sabbath Rest is because we have the imposter of Relativism in our society. Everything is judged from an individual perspective and there are no absolutes. There are no clear boundaries. There is no clear right and wrong. Each person has his or her own set of rules or lack of rules. This form of relativism is the epitome of narcissism. It makes a god out of each individual.
This relativism feels like tolerance; it makes the heart feel comfortable in its ability to accept others. But it is a lie. True tolerance comes from a secure place, where we know what we believe, and those beliefs are so secure that we don’t need to find or force agreement in everyone else. Relativism becomes insecurity, where the heart has no clear vision or belief. So all beliefs must be an option, no matter how extreme. When this happens the Sabbath Imposter wins many hearts but loses truth and definition.
“The Sabbath was made on account and for the sake of man, not man for the Sabbath; so the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” Jesus