Ted Giola, music critic and author wrote:
‘My 8 Best Techniques for Evaluating Character’
(We will cover half of them today and the other half tomorrow.)
1. Forget what they say—instead look at who they marry.
It is, I believe, the clearest indicator of priorities and values you will ever find.
2. See how they treat service workers
People reveal their true natures when they deal with others who have no power and can never return a favor.
3. Discover what experiences formed their character in early life
His belief is that people’s character and ability to handle challenges are almost entirely formed during the first two decades of their life.
4. How do they invest their two most valuable resources?
How they spend time and money. Those reveal what a person is really all about.
“A tree is identified by its fruit. If a tree is good, its fruit will be good. If a tree is bad, its fruit will be bad.” Jesus