A large part of grace is to experience the generous love and mercy of God and allow it to change us and heal us and then, through our humanness, we are even allowed to think we are somehow responsible for these amazing things. But this is grace; God allows us to take some of the credit without becoming jealous.
No doubt this is because if envy or jealousy were present, then there would be disorder and wickedness and such an atmosphere is impossible with God. The Lord shows further grace in avoiding chaos by allowing love and mercy and not being concerned with who gets the credit as long as the results happen in love.
This kind of wisdom produces love and grace that is ‘from above’ and is recognized by being ‘pure, peaceful, gentle and willing to yield…without a trace of partiality.’ We know we are living at a different level of consciousness when we cease caring about getting credit and recognition and are more concerned with the results of change, healing and liberty in another. It is just a taste of mercy.
“Be merciful just as your Father is merciful.” Jesus