In a recent cruise back through Genesis 1-3, I was so impressed again at all that was made and called ‘good.’ The fish and birds were created on the fifth day, the on the sixth day livestock and wild animals, large and small, and man was made. On the same day the Lord made seed bearing plants and fruit trees of every kind. This was all made with forests, plants, grasses, rivers and every living thing. (Genesis 1:20-30)
When we neglect, or leave or ignore the Garden there is a level of abnormality that sets into our psyche… whether we notice it or not. There are at least two main reasons for this: we are not in a normalized created environment for our soul, mind and spirit. And, we are not in a normal relationship with the Lord and Creator of the Garden that determined it was good and placed us there in the beginning. (Genesis 2:8-9)
We return to, or stay, in normality when we see the Garden as natural beauty and purpose, but beyond this we believe that any environment is Edenic in purpose if we see it as the Kingdom of God with a loving Father who thinks it is good and that we are good and he desires to bless us. Normal is the perfect hospitality of the Garden as we enter as guest… when and wherever it might be.
“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Jesus