My son-in-law Danny can just about 100% of the time catch a fly while it is trying to fly away and escape. He cups his hands…waits… the fly flies… pop…clap: dead fly.
I have seen this phenomenon many times… rarely a miss. I think he has studied this business about flies.
For example, he must know: “the leading theory for years was that the flies did a half barrel roll sideways a la the Blue Angels just before landing. This idea was shot down in 1958 when Natural History magazine published photos showing that in fact flies do a sort of backward somersault.
On approaching the ceiling, and while still flying right side up, flies extend their forelegs over their heads till they can grab a landing spot with the suction cups in their feet. Their momentum then enables them to swing their hind legs up, like a gymnast on a trapeze. Result: inverted fly, home and dry.”
Danny knows all this stuff and can therefore beat a fly at it’s own game. Pop. Clap. Dead fly. Wash your hands.
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Jesus