I heard a clear word recently about lions. It was rather alarming and fearful. I saw what I would call ‘a new breed of lions.’ They were lions but seemed to have some kind of built in disguise. This made them very dangerous. It awakened me again to 1 Peter 5:8:
“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”
The lion is not the real issue. It is the devil prowling like a lion that is causing the trouble. The devil is looking for someone to devour. Devour: eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly, destroy completely, to consume or destroy with devastating force. I think a new breed of lions has been turned loose.
We may need a new level Spiritual gift of Lion Tamer. A tamer of lions that is stronger than before to deal with this new breed if lions. The new method is to understand we do not tame these lions; we destroy them.
James, an apostle, wrote, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Don’t fall for the trash talk and tricks.
Paul, another apostle, wrote, “Because God’s children are human beings—made of flesh and blood—the Son also became flesh and blood. For only as a human being could he die, and only by dying could he break the power of the devil, who had the power of death. Only in this way could he set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying.” (Hebrews 2:14-15)
As Paul told Timothy, “I was delivered out of the lions mouth” (2 Timothy 4:17). Jesus tamed the lion and we live in Jesus and therefore we tame the lion as well. Go to hell, devil.
“Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!” Jesus