Brad Littlejohn, researcher and author, wrote in
‘A Theology of Free Speech’
“In order to secure our moral right to speak truth, however, we generally need to defend a legal right that includes a right to speak falsehood.”
This truth is the way of all truth: it is a choice. If one has the choice of speaking truth or falsehood one also has the choice of believing and practicing the truth or lies that have been chosen. Nowhere is this more true than in the arena of religion. Everyone has the right to freely speak religious thoughts (at least for now) and each person must decide what is true and what is false. The amount of religious talk and other communication can get long and windy until the name of Jesus is brought up. This usually determines how free one intends to be in their choice of free speech.
“I have spoken of these matters in figures of speech, but soon I will stop speaking figuratively and will tell you plainly all about the Father.” Jesus