I remember back when I was truly fearful that the Lord might find out what I was doing, what I was thinking, etc. as though somehow I could hide these things from him. Living without a firm grip on grace and mercy can lead to such thoughts. It is when our relationship is basically built on performance. If I ‘do good’ the Father will be pleased with me. Now I have a relationship with the Father in which I believe he knows everything about me and I become worried when I think he doesn’t.
“To the man who cleaves to God, God cleaves and adds virtue. Thus, what you have sought before, now seeks you; what once you pursued, now pursues you; what once you fled, now flees you. Everything truly comes to him who truly comes to God, bringing all divinity with it, while all that is strange and alien flies away.” Meister Eckhart (1260-1328).
“All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.” Jesus