Many times in my solitude and silence as I try to clear my mind as much as possible and just listen, images often appear in my mind. One that comes regularly is bread and wine. When this begins to happen, I sense I am entering into communion… real communion. This may be more realistic to me than the physical cup and loaf. I know it fills me fuller personally. I also know the value of having bread and wine with others.
One thing I am learning to do in prayer is to wait. It is the most difficult part of prayer I have ever tried to learn. I have been at it for years and it still takes my complete discipline in silence. What has helped me the most is what I experience if I will wait and actually do wait. The most important being touching into the Presence of the Lord and after that happens; images, messages, recall, revelation and brokenness start to come.
After bread and wine images, after waiting… I often ask: ‘Lord, what would you have me do?’ For a long time the answer has been the same: ‘Nothing, just what you are doing.’ Then I am ready for a piece of bread and a glass of wine to slowly sit and listen.
“It was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God” (Luke 6:12).
“Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” Jesus