Animation is formed by natural process. It means being brought to life. This includes all of nature, all animals and humans born by natural order and process. A type of animation is given by natural continued order when ‘male and female produce after their own kind.’ These are living things and they have life (Greek: bios) in them, or biological natural life.
Supernatural animation is the order of receiving the ‘life of God’ or ‘life from above’ by the Spirit of God. This is only for humans and is the initial act of spiritual animation. It is ‘to see’ and ‘to enter’ the kingdom of God; or to have the kingdom life of God enter us. This is the life (Greek: zoë) of God in humans. It is the beginning of being brought to life (animated) by the Spirit.
Animation means being brought to life and in the natural order it is every person’s way of being born. In the spiritual order it is anyone who desires and chooses to be born in the Spirit life of God.
“What is born of flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is spirit.” Jesus