I am not much of a moviegoer or TV person but I have seen enough (and now especially previews and commercials) to have a pretty idea of the content. As far back as I can remember I have heard the line: ‘It was a great story (or movie) although there was a lot nudity, sexual content, violence, drugs, drinking, murder, infidelity, rape, foul language and witchcraft… but it was a good story.’ It’s not to everyone.
Douglas Wilson, pastor and author wrote:
“Serious Christians have always had an uneasy relationship with popular entertainment, and the difficulty is certainly understandable. Presented with the problem of recreation and entertainment, we usually find Christians divided into two clusters. Some are entirely too comfortable with whatever the world dishes up in the name of the great entertainment. Confronted with movies, plays, dancing, songs, videos, novels, short stories, television, magazines, etc., these believers demonstrate all the discernment of a vacuum cleaner. If one were to point out that their salad had three, huge garden slugs in it, they would maintain there is still a high percentage of lettuce. In short, many Christians are worldlings. They happily spend hours a night in front of the tube, pearl diving in a cesspool. Their occasional success in coming up with a pearl does not change our overall opinion of the wisdom of their efforts.”
I have always had one more criteria for these movies: Could what goes on in the movies go on in our living room as entertainment to sit, watch and eat popcorn?
“To point out that their salad had three, huge garden slugs in it, they would maintain there is still a high percentage of lettuce…” Well said.
“Now is the time for the world to be judged; now the ruler of this world will be thrown down. If I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people toward me.” Jesus