Frequently after making a purchase we instantly get a very impersonal and non-genuine email wanting a report on the transaction, the time of day, the attitude of the person who was the sales clerk, the cleanliness of the light fixtures in the store/restaurant, the speed of the service, our mother’s maiden name, how much money we make, the kind of socks we prefer… etc.
These computer data gathering intrusions in the name of customer service are nothing but annoying and unbelievable, especially from large companies that have been reported to have paid huge sums to have people rate their products in favorable ways on line showing four to five star ratings. Rate us 1-10. Would you recommend us to a friend… definitely or definitely not…and on and on.
Mr. Survey computer I don’t really think you care and not once have you ask me if I liked the price…or you…or your lousy survey.
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Jesus