Conversion is to know when, why, and how to receive freedom. It is to become free. Only free people can free other people. Prisoners cannot free people.
“The man who has experienced conversion feels like one who has awakened from nightmare into ecstasy. He feels that he has done nothing, and never could have done anything, to deserve such astonishing happiness. All the initiative has been on God’s side; all has been free, unbounded grace. His own puny efforts would be as helpless to retain the joy as they would have been to attain it in the first place. Fortunately, they need not. Bliss is not for sale; it cannot be earned. Works’ have no merit, though of course faith inevitably flows out into works of love. He is not saved because he does works of love; he does works of love because he is saved. It is faith alone that has saved him; faith bestowed as the sheer gift of God” (C.S. Lewis)
We must be free so we can set others free. Now is the time to drop all bondage. Bondage is always in contrast to freedom. Jesus gives us Liberty and with it: Truth.
“I tell you the truth, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” Jesus