There are various opinions and standards on what it means to ‘be a Christian.’ Everyone has a right to an opinion about that, but not everyone is using the same standard. If we are talking and thinking of what flows well on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok or whatever, it may have a different substance, content and meaning than basic understanding from scripture. It could just be cultural humanism warmed over ‘do gooder’ and ‘think gooder’ insta-grace New Age nothingness.
There is a Standard of faith for Christianity. It is plainly scripture and the voice of the Holy Spirit laced with nature. It is what it plainly and historically means in simple context before proceeding to nuances, language studies, culture, and philosophical considerations, etc. The second Standard of Faith is nature: what is natural and normal growth and process of all living things. Then we proceed to the historical integrity of experience, academics and testimony of both scripture and nature.
This can be twisted into a pretzel of anything a person might choose or it is a flat bread of what is obvious and intended before it is under restructure, scrutiny and unbelief. Inspection and interpretation are necessary, but to make scripture and natural order say what they do not say is corrupt and is a desire to be our own god and make our own rules of inquiry.
One is a Standard of Faith and the other is the Standard of a S’more at the campfire.
“Anyone who belongs to God listens gladly to the words of God.” Jesus