The sin of Eve and Adam has caused much comment and accusation about sin and imputed sin. There is no doubt from scripture that they disobeyed the Lord and his instructions. They sinned. But the idea of total ‘imputed sin theology’ is almost a victimization of ‘why I am the way I am.’ That only flies so far with me. This is because I think it is very important to fully accept responsibility for our own sins and disobedience to instruction rather than rag on Adam and Eve for my making mistakes. They did their apples and we do ours. Own it and deal with it. We cannot get over the ‘original sin’ of Adam and Eve. That nature, though passed down through the ages, is still something I must own as mine and not the first couples. We get over it by the Cross…not by pushing ‘original sin’ ideas and theologies about our own sinful nature and behavior. “All have sinned…” Everyone does their own sinning. Everyone is responsible for accepting the work of the Cross… and only that gets rid of sin. I have to deal with mine. You have to deal with yours. Everyone deals with his or her own apples…original and otherwise.
I like this quote I recently read: “We can’t out-sin the Cross.”
“The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Jesus