How much is true and how much is truth? We can benefit from both from the Desert Fathers.
“Two of the brothers from a Desert Community went to town to sell what they had made. In the town they separated and one of them fell into fornication. Afterwards the other brother said, “Let us go back to our cell, brother.” But he replied, “I’m not coming.” The other asked him, “Why, brother?” He replied. “Because when you left me, I was tempted, and was guilty of fornication.” The other, wanting to help him, said, “The same thing happened to me; after I left you, I also fell into fornication. Let us go together, and do penance with all our might, and God will pardon us sinners.” When they returned to their cell, they told the brothers what had happened to them, and were told what penance they should do. But the one did penance not for himself; but for the other, as though he himself had sinned. God, seeing his earnestness and his charity, revealed to one of the elders, a few days later, that he had forgiven the fornicator because of the charity of the brother who had not sinned. Truly, this was to lay down his soul for his brother.”
“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” Jesus