S.O.S. …_ _ _ …
I recently had a dream about S.O.S. When I checked it out the next morning I learned that Samuel F.B. Morse (1791-1872) an American artist and inventor with some other smart guys invented a system to give a distress signal: “SOS is a Morse code distress signal used internationally, that was originally established for maritime use. In formal notation SOS is written with an over score line, to indicate that the Morse code equivalents for the individual letters of “SOS” are transmitted as an unbroken sequence of three dots / three dashes / three dots, with no spaces between the letters.” (Wikipedia). The phrase “SOS” has entered general usage to informally indicate a crisis or the need for action. Hey, whatever. When you need help…you need help.
The system/code is very clear in its intention: Help! Now we have something similar in 911. I am thinking that my dream was some kind of an emergency plea to the Lord for help and protection. I have 911’ed the Lord on numerous occasions and I have also tried the S.O.S just in case the 911 doesn’t work. So here it is for this day …_ _ _… Help! Help! This is my new prayer language: dot, dot, dot, line, line, line, dot, dot, dot.
“And don’t let us yield but rescue us from the evil one.to temptation.” Jesus