It is with clarity that the bread and wine become the perfect symbols for those who would participate in the Ultimate Spiritual Gift. The bread broken is the Body of Christ and each piece is a fragmented spiritual gift and part of the Original Body. This bread feeds the whole world through us who believe by offering a piece of the Spiritual Body as a Spiritual gift to others.
The wine serves in a similar capacity in that it is Christ’s blood and was shed for our sins and the sins of the whole world. Each drop taken by the disciple is a reminder of the perfect blood that was shed for each one of us. In realizing our own individual mercy we quickly desire the blood to become a Spiritual Gift for the sins of others. If the bread and wine do not become these things, then they are self-consumed, self-utilized and sentimental giving because they did not go beyond the person who received it. Gifts are given to be given. Only then can they remain a gift.
The old monks say, “Don’t train the gift, let the gift train you.” The Bread and Wine will train us.
“And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he said, “Take this, and divide it among yourselves.” Jesus