Barna Group, a Christian research organization recently did a poll on ‘Talking About Our Faith.’ “People who don’t talk very often about faith offer different reasons, but most of these fall into two broad categories: avoidance and ambivalence. For instance, the two avoidant responses (among the top four) given for not engaging in conversations are: “Religious conversations always seem to create tension or arguments” (28%) and “I’m put off by how religion has been politicized” (17%). The other two responses indicate ambivalence: “I’m not religious and don’t care about these kinds of topics” (23%) and “I don’t feel like I know enough to talk about religious or spiritual topics” (17%).
( August 2018)
If we don ‘t talk about our faith… there soon will not be any faith to talk about.
“But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.” Jesus