Jackson Browne wrote and recorded this song in1986: I’ve been waiting for something to happenFor a week or a month or a yearWith the blood […]
Jackson Browne wrote and recorded this song in1986: I’ve been waiting for something to happenFor a week or a month or a yearWith the blood […]
Newsweek Magazine (March 2020) had an article titled ‘Are We Related to This Weird Worm.’ “Researchers have identified an extinct 555 million-year old wormlike creature […]
Paul, an apostle, wrote, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone […]
The apostle John wrote, “By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before him; for whenever our heart […]
Jesus and the Kingdom of God are not at the top of some priority list. Every piece of our lives, both large and small, hidden […]
Those who are free and under the blood of Christ can, and should speak out. Speak out against sin, ungodly treatment of humans and animals, […]
Everyone has to speak his or her own message. It is very difficult to speak the message of another person. The testimony of faith, miracle, […]
We are under Messianic Rule because the Messiah has come, and will come again. The rule does not start when He ‘comes again.’ It started […]
The story of Peter and the Rooster is famous. He was all sold out for the Lord and the Kingdom and made promises and comments […]